A 2 mm piece of plastic strip is inserted and fixed between the draw bar and the bogie pivot to move it forward removing the end float. Ensure the draw bar can pass through the centre smoothly.
Here the buffers are locked back with super glue and left over flat plate couplers are used. Roco auto couplers can be used but not the Hornby type as they will put the gap back between the carriages.
Here the carriages are seen on straight track with only a very small gap between them.
Here the carriages are seen on radius 2 curved track.
Separate the body from the chassis. Note the tabs arrowed above and below need to be eased inwards to release the ends of the carriage and a smooth table knife to open the carriage sides away from the chassis.
Removing the Body from the chassis.
Replacing the corridor connections
with floating end plates.
Slide a knife from the bottom of the existing corridor connection and ease it from the end of the body.
Note the glazing at the end of the carriage is one piece wrap around.
Cut a section out of the glazing with a razor saw. This may come out in moor than one piece.
Glue the new corridor connection on the the carriage end. Then place the fixing plate into the corridor connection and drill a 2mm hole through the hole in the fixing plate. Open up the hole to 4mm.
Glue the fixing plate into the area cut from the glazing. Ensure the floating end plate can move smoothly within the corridor connection.
Place the spring over the spigot of the end plate and insert it into the corridor connection.
Push the fixing washer over the spigot and adjust it so the end plate is an equal distance all round out from the corridor connection no more than 1.5mm.
The finished job.
Installing the new corridor connection with floating end plate