Hornby Railroad Pullman

The finished job.

New bogies and optional Buck Eye Coupler fitted.

Additionally the correct pattern torpedo roof ventilators have been fitted.

Installations Index Other Bits Fits To Pullman Carriage Ends Couplings




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Underframe Detail

Brake vacuum cylinders and V hangers have to be produced from spare parts or purchased elsewhere.

Cut the new buffer beam to scale length at the inner marker lines on the back of the buffer beam. Place it against the end of the carriage and mark the upper corners then cut out shoulders to fit inside the ends of the carriage body.

Remove the existing buffer beam with a razor saw as shown. Then reassemble the carriage.

Shoulders cut so that buffer beam fits inside the ends of the carriage.

When satisfied with the fit glue it in place of the original buffer beam.

The Buffer Beam

When built the all steel 1928 Pullmans as produced by Hornby were sent to the L.N.E.R. for the “Queen of Scots” services. They were fitted with the smaller oval buffers. After 1946 some Pullmans were moved to the Southern where the larger buffer heads were fitted to overcome buffer lock.

Extend hole as shown. Insert a false floor to receive generator.

Remove all detail from the chassis.

The Close Coupling Base Plate Unit.

A section is cut out of the floor to allow the base plate to fit 12 mm back from the corridor connection.

Shoulders are cut into the base plate to fit the section cut out of the floor.

Existing bogie pivot removed and new pivot plate fitted. This also sets the location of the Close Coupling base plate.

Reshape the draw bar support plate to allow maximum movement of the new bogie.

Reshape the ‘Delta’ plate so that the scale wheels are not fouled when the new bogies are fitted. See draw bar tweaks bellow.

To reduce the amount of slop when the draw bar is at extreme left or right insert strips of 10th plasticard into the corners of the base plate. This will allow the carriages to run a little closer and not lock the buffers when being pushed.

Base Plate Tweaks

The Roof

Carve the ventilators from the roof, drill 2mm holes in their place and insert the replacement ventilators.




Location of  V hangers and Brake Cylinders.

Fix cylinders here.

Remove the frame from around the battery box.

Contacting Me

Vertically file away the original weather cover in line with the ribs of the corridor connection before fitting the new weather cover.

Then file the corridor connection flush with the new weather cover.

The fixing plate is used as a template to position the 2mm hole in the end of the carriage.

The hole in the end of the carriage is opened to 4mm and the fixing plate fitted inside the carriage so that the end plate can move in and out smoothly.

A section is cut from the glazing to allow the fixing plate to be glued inside the carriage end.

Fixing washer securing the end plate in place.

The Corridor connection and End Plate.

Hornby Railroad

Hornby Railroad

Hornby Railroad

Too much rotational side play will cause carriages to lock up and derail when pushed  through reverse curves.

Bogies and Buckeyes

Using a small file or a scalpel carefully remove a tiny amount of plastic from this edge at the bottom of the coupling a little at a time until a pair of couplings will pass easily through each other with a minimum of side play.