Other Bits Fits To Pullman Carriage Ends Couplings


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Tabs removed from the leading edge of the close coupling unit base plate allowing the base plate to but up against the shoulder behind the buffer beam.

The old coupling and the cross beam removed from the bogie to allow the close coupling draw bar to move from side to side.

The base plate support arm has been modified to allow the bogie to have a greater arc of movement to go round small radius bends

10th packing to reduce the end play when the draw bar is at left or right of centre.

Plasticard packing washers to lift the carriage to 14mm buffer height.

Fitting the close coupling system.

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In order to fit the corridor connections the body has to separated from the chassis. o do this ease the body side from the chassis and slide a smooth domestic table knife into the opening. Slide the knife along the length of the body to lift the body tabs from the lugs on the chassis.

The body lifted from the chassis on one side ready for removal from the chassis.

Adjust the attitude of the fixing washer so that the End Plate is equally spaced 1mm out from the concertina. Secure the fixing washer with a tiny amount of super glue.

Cut the bar from the bottom of the carriage end. Slide the assembled Corridor Connection  into place. Then reassemble the carriage.

Hornby Railroad GWR 57ft Bow End carriage fitted with the replacement Carriage End with Floating  End Plate and Close Coupling System coupled to a Bachmann Collett also fitted with  Close Coupling Systems and replacement Corridor Connection.

Bachmann GWR Collett Coaches

After painting the End Plate and Concertina the parts are assembled with spring over the spigot of the End Plate. Pass the spigot through the hole in the concertina and secure it with the fixing washer.

Installing the Corridor Connections

Remove the rubber corridor connection from the end of the carriage body.

Ensure there is no rubber or glue on the inside of the carriage.

Ease the locating holes of the female coupling plate and countersink the top of the hole to make coupling the male plate easier.